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Explore the tools that can help you get good with money and reach your financial goals.
92 articles
How to set up direct deposit
Do I have to deposit my entire paycheck?
How long does it take for direct deposit to take effect?
How can I confirm that my direct deposit to Wedbush Next is successful?
Can I set up direct deposit for multiple employers?
How can I edit the amount of my paycheck that I want to transfer?
How can I cancel my direct deposit?
How do I close my Invest goal?
Why Should I Invest?
What is an Invest Account?
What are Dividends?
Why is my Invest account Awaiting Approval?
Which Portfolio Should I Choose?
What do I do if I am currently employed by a broker dealer?
How do I Change my Portfolio?
Where am I in the setup process?
Why should I invest?
How can I Fund my Invest Goal?
How long does it take to invest money?
Do you Rebalance my Portfolio?
Can I invest in individual stocks, bonds, or other securities of my choice?
When do I Receive Dividends?
Where can I find my Invest Account Number?
Can I fund my Invest account with my Spend account?
When is my account value updated?
When will Trades Take Place in my Account?
Is there a minimum amount I need to start investing?
Why is my Invest Account Awaiting Approval?
How much money do I need to open an IRA?
Can I rollover money from an outside IRA into Qapital?
I want to close my IRA - are there any penalties?
Will I owe taxes if I make a withdrawal from my IRA?
Can I withdraw my IRA contributions at any time?
How do I find out how much I’ve contributed to my IRA this year?
How do I pause a recurring contribution to my IRA?
How long does an IRA contribution take to process?
How do I set up a recurring contribution for my Qapital IRA?
Will I be provided with the proper tax forms for my Qapital IRA?
Can I have an IRA if I live in a US territory?
How much does a Qapital IRA cost?
How is my IRA portfolio selected?
What is an IRA?
What is Payday Divvy?
Where can you find it in the app?
How does it work?
Who can use it?
What is the benefit of Payday Divvy?
Which goals can I fund with Payday Divvy?
How can you see, change, or track upcoming transfers?
How do I stop Payday Divvy transfers?
How do you skip a deposit?
How do I track upcoming transfers?
What is Qapital’s Interest Rate Comparison Tool?
Why should I compare interest rates?
Where can I sign up to compare interest rates?
How do I start comparing interest rates?
Who can use it?
Will using this tool impact my credit score?
Why haven't I received any offers yet?
What is a personal loan?
What are personal loans used for?
How long will it take to receive the funds for my new loan?
Where does Qapital get my personal information, like my SSN or credit score?
Is my personal information safe?
What is ID Theft Protection?
Why should I use ID Theft Protection?
How do I start using ID Theft Protection?
Who can use ID Theft Protection?
What is identity theft?
How does ID Theft Protection work?
Where does ID Theft Protection look for security threats?
What personally identifiable information does ID Theft Protection monitor?